Kocain Cave – A Beautiful Cave for Your Trip in Antalya

Kocain Cave is located in the Dosemealti region of Antalya. The cave has a charming and gloomy atmosphere. It is one of the most important caves reflecting the natural history with its monumental stalactites and stalagmites, as well as the history and archeology of Antalya.

Description of Kocain cave

Kocain cave consists of two large halls. Giant stalactites divide them among themselves. There is a cistern with four compartments inside the cave. Water drips from above, so the floor becomes very slippery. Choose safe footwear for walking in the cave.

There is a rocky path in the middle of the cave. Stalactites and stalagmites are found when passing through the cave. The height of the stalagmites reaches 45 meters. As you approach the end of the road, the unevenness of the pedestrian road increases. Just imagine you are walking along the roads where people gathered in prehistoric times.

History of Kocain cave

Kocain Cave was found in 1919. It was used as a living space from the prehistoric period to the Byzantine period. The cistern remains from the Byzantine period and still stores water. In the cave, 29 inscriptions were found that cannot be deciphered. The cave was effectively used in religious ceremonies during the early periods of Christianity.

Feature of Kocain cave

Kocain Cave has a magnificent entrance. Its dimensions are: height 20 meters and width 75 meters. The entrance is so high that an airplane could pass through it.

Where is Kocain cave

Cocaine Cave is located in the village of Azirtash in the Dosemealti district of Antalya.

Opening Hours of Kocain Caves

Kocain Cave is not open for tourism. Admission is free, so you can visit the cave at any time.

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